Second Print Run Ordered for "Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition"

I have been informed that the first print run of my book Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition is nearly sold out. A second print run has been ordered and will be arriving in stores soon. I wish to thank all those who have bought copies and have supported this project to date.
I am very pleased at the amount of publicity that the new book is getting. There was a nice write-up in this month's The Anglican (the monthly newspaper of the Diocese of Toronto the story is found on page 12 - a pdf of the paper can be accessed here), a wonderful colour advertisement in the Augsburg-Fortress Canadian Lent mailing, and today, Ali Symons the news writer for (the official website of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada) has published a story entitled "Book of Healing Prayers Pocket-sized but Powerful".
It looks like a mini-tour is coming together as well. I have already attended a couple of events, and on Saturday, March 6th, 2010 there will be signings at the Anglican Book Centre in Toronto (10 a.m. - 12 noon) and Augsburg-Fortress in Kitchener (2 p.m. - 4 p.m.). There are also some events taking shape at various churches around the diocese. You can check the book's official website for times, dates and locations.
We are currently working on American distribution and publicity stateside, which should be coming together next week. American customers will soon be able to order the book through their local episcopal bookshop or directly from ABC's Amercian distributor, Forward Movement.