Second Print Run Ordered for "Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition"

I have been informed that the first print run of my book Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition is nearly sold out. A second print run has been ordered and will be arriving in stores soon. I wish to thank all those who have bought copies and have supported this project to date. I am very pleased at the amount of publicity that the new book is getting. There was a nice write-up in this month's The Anglican (the monthly newspaper of the Diocese of Toronto the story is found on page 12 - a pdf of the paper can be accessed here ), a wonderful colour advertisement in the Augsburg-Fortress Canadian Lent mailing, and today, Ali Symons the news writer for (the official website of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada) has published a story entitled "Book of Healing Prayers Pocket-sized but Powerful". It looks like a mini-tour is coming together as well. I have already attended a couple of events, and on Saturday, March 6th, 2010 there will be s...