The Dead Sea Scrolls - Session Six

Session Six – The End Time: Eschatology and Apocalypse As a part of their self-understanding as the remnant of Israel, the Community understood themselves as a community of the “last days”. In their view, all of history had pointed to the moment in which the Community existed. They were living on the cusp of the culmination of history. Thus, like most apocalyptic movements, the Community expected an imminent intervention of God, the defeat of their enemies (and the forces of darkness) the intervention of an angelic or messianic figure, and some sort of “reset” or “re-creation” of the world. Through their “inspired” reading and interpreting of biblical texts (especially by an authoritative leader, in our case, the Teacher of Righteousness), they possessed a secret knowledge and understanding of how these times were unfolding and about to unfold. Their vision of the end times included ideas of a “New Jerusalem”, visions of heaven, messianic figures (often more than one), s...