The Archdeacon Returns - Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: The Making of a Bishop Maddie readily accepted the Archdeacon’s apology. Although she had made something of an exit when she left his office, she was not actually that angry at him. She was not one to keep her feelings to herself when frustrated or mad, yet this trait turned out to be something of a gift. Being able to express herself so readily, so honestly and freely, meant that things never built up inside of her. In this way, she was so different from her mentor, who kept much of what he felt buried away inside. Her ability to share her emotions without reservation confused him because this was not at all how he dealt with anger or conflict. If she spoke her mind, he often mistook the sentiment as an enduring criticism rather than a momentary observation. He marvelled at her ability to be so authentic and unreserved, and how she never held grudges. As a consequence, he felt he was learning as much from her as she was from h...