Restoring a Reed Organ, Part 13: Recovering the Bellows and Exhausters

After we stripped the cloth off the reservoir and exhausters, we sanded them down so that they were nice and clean with no glue or material residue remaining The bellows had been recovered in 1905 and the restorer had left a penciled note on the inside of the reservoir. The exhausters, however, were original. They were "harmonium style", that is, with large ribs with leather hinges and leather gussets. The conventional wisdom as that novices like us should not attempt to recreate these on the first go-around. We decided we would just recover the exhausters using bellows cloth (more on that, below). We cleaned off the old ribs and sanded them down so that we could use them again in the exhausters. We then set them aside while we moved to work on the main reservoir. We rehinged the bellows board to the movable reservoir board (for some reason I didn't take any photos of that) and then while waiting for the hing...