"Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition" - Now on Sale!

I am very pleased to announce that my book, Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition , is now on sale. It arrived at the Anglican Book Centre late in the day yesterday and people in the Toronto who are able to visit the store will see copies prominently displayed. For those further afield, copies can be ordered online from Augsburg Fortress Canada , the distributor (interested booksellers should also contact them as they are the trade distributor as well). The book is a collection of healing prayers found in authorized prayer books from around the Anglican Communion. Anglicans stand in a long tradition of common prayer, which is to say we pray out of our tradition (which is not a closed tradition but an open and growing one, with new prayers and liturgical texts constantly being developed). During my time as an Anglican bookseller I realized how difficult it was for the average person to find and collect all the various prayer books from around our wonderful Anglican Communion....