"Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition" - Now on Sale!

I am very pleased to announce that my book, Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition, is now on sale. It arrived at the Anglican Book Centre late in the day yesterday and people in the Toronto who are able to visit the store will see copies prominently displayed. For those further afield, copies can be ordered online from Augsburg Fortress Canada, the distributor (interested booksellers should also contact them as they are the trade distributor as well). The book is a collection of healing prayers found in authorized prayer books from around the Anglican Communion. Anglicans stand in a long tradition of common prayer, which is to say we pray out of our tradition (which is not a closed tradition but an open and growing one, with new prayers and liturgical texts constantly being developed). During my time as an Anglican bookseller I realized how difficult it was for the average person to find and collect all the various prayer books from around our wonderful Anglican Communion. I spent considerable time and effort acquiring various editions for the store in order to make them accessible to North American Anglicans. Around the same time I was invited to work with the Bishop (now Archbishop) of Toronto's Committee on Healing. In our training of lay people for the healing ministry (and ongoing conversation with clergy invovled in this ministry), we began to realize that we needed resource that would gather prayers from the Anglican tradition for both our clergy and lay ministers, alike. I took it upon myself to search out prayers from our tradition from these prayer books collected from far and wide and (with the gracious permission of the respective copyright holders) this collection of healing prayers is the result. The book is a handy little inexepensive pocket-sized book that will be useful for hospital or home visitation, or for those developing healing liturgies in the parish. The book begins with a theological introduction to the healing ministry, outlining broad understanding of healing prayer. The prayers themselves are divided into categories (collects, blessings, prayers for those facing chronic illness, before an operation, for a child, etc.). Each section is headed by pastoral rubrics and considerations on how the various prayers might be used. The book concludes with suggested psalms and readings. While this collection is derived from the Anglican tradition, I do hope that it will be of much benefit and use to those of other denominations as well, in particular our Lutheran brothers and sisters, with whom we are in full communion. I will be speaking this Sunday night (January 10, 2010, 7:30 p.m.) on the book at the Order of St. Luke meeting at St. Timothy's, Agincourt. I have several other events in the works (t.b.a. soon). If your parish or organization would like to host an event I would be privileged to attend.

I have created a website for the book: http://www.anglicanhealingprayer.wordpress.com/

Prayers for Healing from the Anglican Tradition
compiled by Daniel F. Graves
is published by the Anglican Book Centre (ABC Publishing),
distributed by Augsburg Fortress Canada,
and retails at $13.95 CDN + G.S.T.


Hermese said…
Hi, is the book still available. It was recommended to me, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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